Relationship Property
What is a de facto relationship?
It is important to establish not only whether a de facto relationship exists, but also precisely when it began and ended.
The Act defines a de facto relationship as a relationship between two people provided that:
- They are both over the age of 18 years;
- They live together as a couple; and
- They are not married to or in a civil union with one another.
What is Relationship Property?
What is Separate Property?
Separate property includes: All property owned by either of the partners prior to their relationship commencing (unless it can be shown that the property has been ‘intermingled’ with other relationship property); an inheritance or gift that has not become intermingled or used for the common benefit of the family or from which other assets have not been acquired in joint names.
In what circumstances may Relationship Property not be divided equally?
There are three exceptions to the principle of equal sharing. These are:
- Extraordinary Circumstances - If there are extraordinary circumstances that would render equal sharing 'repugnant to justice' then the Court will make an exception to the principle of equal sharing. This exception is difficult to establish and Courts interpret it stringently.
- Relationships of short duration - If a marriage is of less than three years duration the Court will divide relationship property proportionately according to the contributions of each party. When determining the length of a marriage, the Court will take into account the duration of any de facto relationship prior to marriage.
- De facto Relationships of less than three years - The act does not apply to de facto relationships of less than three years unless there is a child of the relationship or one of the parties has made a substantial contribution to the relationship and failure to make an Order would result in that party suffering serious injustice.
What if one of the parties is economically disadvantaged?
Can equal sharing be avoided?
Can a Contracting-Out Agreement be set aside?
An agreement can only be set aside if giving effect to it would cause one of the parties to suffer serious injustice. It is difficult to set aside a contracting out agreement on the basis of serious injustice. A high threshold is imposed and matters such as “pressure” to enter into the agreement, the reasonableness of the terms of the agreement and the parties’ circumstances are given detailed consideration. This is to make it clear that parties should have a greater sense of security in the certainty of their contractual property arrangements.
Please call us if you would like to discuss how the Act applies to your circumstances and whether you need the protection of a contracting-out agreement.